Category: General
August 17, 2016
Integrating Art by Mrs. Tatum Bunker – 4th grade teacher
Have you ever wondered what makes John Hancock Charter School so great? While there is quite an extensive list of factors that contribute to our school’s many accomplishments, today I want to focus on one aspect of success that often goes unnoticed and underappreciated – the use of art in the classroom. In the field…
July 7, 2016
Prevent Summer Slide by Mrs. Connie Orton
We all look forward to summer! It comes with a happy change of schedule and the hope of many great experiences just ahead! Often, as we begin the summer months, there are great intentions of keeping children academically strong; after all, they just enjoyed incredible progress over the past school year! However, without some discipline…
October 12, 2015
What is Mindset? – Mrs. Neider
As a faculty at John Hancock Charter School, we are always looking for better ways to reach our students and help them succeed even when they fail. One such idea helping students to adjust their mindset in order to reach their true potential. The excerpt below comes from the book Mindset by Carol Dweck. WHAT…
August 31, 2015
Music is Vital! by Miss Margie Looney
Music is Vital! Music. Many people hear that word and think of jamming in their car, singing in the shower, or how they used to play an instrument back when they walked to school in the snow, uphill both ways. Some people think of attending a rock concert, a professional symphony, or those oh-so-catchy commercial…
August 5, 2015
Back to School: 5 Things JHCS Teachers Want Parents to Know…
Back to School: 5 Things JHCS Teachers Want Parents to Know… by Mrs. Tatum Bunker, Fourth Grade Teacher 1-It’s okay for kids to fail One of the “8 Keys of Excellence” that we teach our students is, Failure leads to success. We get it. Parents don’t want kids to fail but did you know, by…
July 9, 2015
Preparing for Back to School by Mrs. Adamic
Summer mean many things to different people. If you ask my 15 year old son, you might get a response something like this, “summer is sleeping in daily, staying up late, playing video games, and spending time with extended family.” If you ask my husband you may hear, “summer is full of long, hot summer…